Monday 12 December 2011

Saturday 10th Sunday 11th December 2011

On Saturday we watched some movies on the TV. One was all about the NEWS about the earthquake and tsumani.

On Sunday we went to Squires to get a proper christmas tree. We got two bags of straw for flopsy and I looked at the biscuit tin of a train. My Dad took Daniel home. We took the tree home. When the front room was cleaned I decorated the christmas tree. I put tinsil, bauballs and stars on lots of branches. In the afternoon I watched some trains on youtube and I played dinosaurs on my DS.

Monday 5 December 2011

Saturday 3th and Sunday 4th December 2011

On Saturday Mummy, Anna, Adam and I went to the Christmas Fair for a walk. We went to Santa's Grotto. Santa Claus asked what I would like for christmas. I asked for Zoo Tycoon and playmobil dump truck and Adam asked for Smokey the fire truck. We bought some sweets. I bought a blue crystal and I said hello to Rob. I said to say hello to Mrs Mansfield. We all walked home.

On Sunday My family went to Nana and Popa's house by our car for a journey. We played the penguin game. My mum was poorly. I want my mum to get better.  We had lunch, I had roast potatoes, beans, black olives and rice. I had ice cream, jelly and banana cake for pudding. I finnished my pudding and I looked out off a window. We said thank you and good bye then my family went all the way home.

Monday 28 November 2011

My weekend 26/27 November

On Saturday we went to the Town of Bath with Nana and Popa. Then we went to the big church. We went to the roman Baths of water. It was good, I liked the hot water under the hot rock blowing bubbles. My Mum bought a postcard of the Roman Baths.

On Sunday we stayed in Premier Inn to have breakfast. I had two fried eggs, bacon and toasted bread. We left Premier Inn. We stopped at Stonehenge. We held the speakers to listen to information about Stonehenge. We looked at Stonehenge and took pictures of lots of sheep. Daddy took me to the toilet and we had a drink and a cake. We left Stonehenge. Then we went home, we looked at all the scenery on our car journey.

Monday 21 November 2011

My Weekend 19th November and 20th November 2011

On Saturday Mylz, Adam and I went to Orchard park to play with the pop up rocket. I smashed the rocket on the ground to blow it up into the clouds. I enjoyed the game.

On Sunday my family went to Bushy Park in the fog. I walked around a lake and I used a stick to go fishing. I liked the fog but I felt lost. I went home to have lunch. I ate ham sandwiches, carrots and crisps and I drank juice. I played one game on the computer called powder toy.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Every Monday afternoon for period 6, the gateway students do cooking club. The teacher is my mum! Yesterday we made apple turn overs. I made mine with gluten-free flour, because of my special diet. They were delicious. My brother Adam and my sister Anna both had one at home.

Next Friday is children in need. The school has a mufti day where everyone can wear their own clothes.
Students also do things to raise money, for example a sponsored silence. I am really looking foward to it.