Monday 24 March 2014

My Weekend March 2014

On Saturday 22nd March 2014 My Dad took Adam to play football outside his school, that's where he likes to play sports. We went to the allotment and Adam pulled a tiny beetroot from the earth and my Dad helped me to get rid of reeds then put them into the compost heap. In the Evening I watched The Voice on the TV with my family, the singers had to sing well to stay on the show.

On Sunday 23rd March 2014 We had to clear the lounge until we put my things into my room. I watched the Super railroad of union pacific film on the Television after I had tidied the lounge. My Mum watched Country file which was about countries that have lots of greenery. After that I watched Food(ography) on the food channel and I went straight to bed at 9pm.

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